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Ron Blue

Kingdom Advisors Core Training (Legacy)

About the Course

The Kingdom Advisors Core Training satisfies the education requirement for the Certified Kingdom Advisor® designation until October 1, 2018. For this training to qualify for the designation, you must complete the Core Training program and submit your completed online Certified Kingdom Advisor® application by October 1st, 2018. Through the online training, you will learn to offer biblical professional financial advice that is relevant in any economy. You can enhance the value you bring to your clients by offering life counsel from an eternal perspective and differentiate yourself in an increasingly commoditized marketplace.

In early 2018, we transitioned to a university-based training program, the CKA® Educational Program, in addition to implementing higher standards for acceptance. After October 1, 2018, the educational requirement for Certification can only be met by the new university-based CKA® Educational Program. If you are a Canadian applicant, the Kingdom Advisors Core Training (2nd Edition) satisfies the education requirement for the Certified Kingdom Advisor® designation.

About the Speaker

Ron  Blue

Ron Blue

Kingdom Advisors

Ron Blue is widely considered to be the father of Christian financial planning. He is the founder or co-founder of Ronald Blue Trust, National Christian Foundation, Kingdom Advisors, and The Ron Blue Institute for Financial Planning. He is also the author of more than 20 books and has served on the boards of numerous organizations. Ron and his wife, Judy, have been married for 55 years, have five children and 13 grandchildren, and live in Bloomington, Indiana.

Continuing Education

Accepted for CE Credit

Hours: 20
Designations: CKA®, CFP®, IMCA, PACE
Minimum  Passing Grade: 80%