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Ron Blue Founding Director

Ron Blue is widely considered to be the father of Christian financial planning. He is the founder or co-founder of Ronald Blue Trust, National Christian Foundation, Kingdom Advisors, and The Ron Blue Institute for Financial Planning. He is also the author of more than 20 books and has served on the boards of numerous organizations. Ron and his wife, Judy, have been married for 55 years, have five children and 13 grandchildren, and live in Bloomington, Indiana.

Ron Blue is widely considered to be the father of Christian Financial Planning. Since 1979, he has been providing encouraging, proven advice for achieving financial contentment and confidence. Marrying a thorough understanding of what the Bible has to say about money with decades of professional experience as a financial advisor and leader of a financial advising firm, Ron is committed to equipping Christians to thrive in their financial lives and serve as a testimony to a world desperately in need of the good news of God’s saving grace in every area of life.

Ron has worked out his passion to help Christians become financially free by founding or co-founding Ronald Blue Trust, a 40-year old financial planning firm serving thousands of clients in almost every state in the US; the National Christian Foundation, which disburses over $1 billion per year to evangelical causes; Kingdom Advisors, which trains thousands of Christian financial advisors to integrate biblical wisdom into their financial advice; and most recently, The Ron Blue Institute for Financial Planning, committed to bringing the financial wisdom given him by his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into academia.

Ron is the author of over 20 books on personal finance from a Biblical perspective and serves as a board member of FaithBridge Foster Care and the Board of Trustees of The Maclellan Foundation. He formerly served on the boards of Kingdom Advisors, The National Christian Foundation, CRU, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Crown Financial Ministries, Family Research Council, Promise Keepers, Insight for Living, The Medical Institute, and Walk Thru the Bible Ministries.

In 2002, Ron received the HONORS AWARD from the Georgia Chapter of the Financial Planning Association (FPA). In 2003, he received the honored designation of DISTINGUISHED ENTREPRENEUR from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, his alma mater. In 2013, he received an honorary Doctorate of Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University.

Ron and his wife Judy have been married for 53 years and live in Atlanta, Georgia. They have five children and thirteen grandchildren.