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Matt Chandler Lead Pastor of Teaching

Matt Chandler serves as lead pastor of teaching at The Village Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Under his leadership since 2002, the church has grown from 160 to over 11,000 members across five campuses. Matt also serves as president of Acts 29, a worldwide church-planting organization. He is a frequent conference speaker and the author of several books including Creature of the Word, The Explicit Gospel, and The Mingling of Souls. Matt and his wife, Lauren, have three children.

Matt Chandler serves as lead pastor of teaching at The Village Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Under his leadership since 2002, the church has grown from 160 to over 11,000 members across five campuses. Matt also serves as president of Acts 29, a worldwide church-planting organization. He is a frequent conference speaker and the author of several books including Creature of the Word, The Explicit Gospel, and The Mingling of Souls. Matt and his wife, Lauren, have three children.