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Danielle Strickland Author, Justice Advocate

Danielle Strickland’s aggressive compassion has served people firsthand in countries all over the world. From establishing justice departments and church plants to launching global anti-trafficking initiatives to creating new movements that mobilize people towards transformational spiritual life, Danielle trains, advocates, and inspires people to live differently. She is based in Toronto, Canada where she serves on the teaching team at The Meeting House. Danielle is the proud mom to three boys and wife to Stephen.

Danielle Strickland’s aggressive compassion has served people firsthand in countries all over the world. From establishing justice departments and church plants to launching global anti-trafficking initiatives to creating new movements that mobilize people towards transformational spiritual life, Danielle trains, advocates, and inspires people to live differently. She is based in Toronto, Canada where she serves on the teaching team at The Meeting House. Danielle is the proud mom to three boys and wife to Stephen.