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Pete Wilson Senior Pastor

Pete Wilson is the founding and senior pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Over the course of 11 years, Cross Point has grown to reach more than 7,000 people each weekend through its five locations around the Nashville area and online. As one of the fastest growing churches in America, Pete’s ministry–an outreach focused on helping people become radically devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to each other, and relentlessly dedicated to reaching those outside of God’s family with the Gospel–has made Pete a frequent speaker at national and international church conferences. Pete gained national attention in 2010 when Thomas Nelson published his best-selling book, Plan B, a title that has been printed in five languages and launched Putting Plan B into Action, a 6-week DVD curriculum that serves as a study companion to the book. Empty Promises, Pete’s second book, released in spring 2012. In Pete's latest book, Let Hope In, which released in 2013, he presents a new look at the power of healing through hope. Pete earned his Bachelors degree in Communications from Western Kentucky University and attended seminary at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is married to Brandi.