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David Hart President of Sales and Marketing

David L. Hart, President of Sales and Marketing, joined eVALUEator Services September of 2013. Dave is responsible for the sales and distribution of eVALUEator screening services. This screening service enables advisors to show Christians and other investors who are concerned about the moral culture of America, how they can invest according to their values. Dave served as Vice-President of Broker Relations for the Timothy Plan for over sixteen years. Dave’s enthusiasm for the vision of eVALUEator Services is a valuable asset as he assists advisors nationwide with marketing material, sales presentations, training seminars, and coaching calls. David Hart and his wife Deborah reside in Oakland, Florida. They have four children and fifteen grandchildren. Dave serves on several committees at his church, First Baptist Church of Central Florida. He is a member of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants and Kingdom Advisors. He served as President of his Homeowners Association over ten years.