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Pat Hail Relationship Manager

Pat Hail has been with Christian Investment Services since May of 2008 and is the Relationship Manager. He has three decades of experience in ministry spanning from Youth Pastor to Senior Pastor as well as an Interim Pastor in TX, AZ and UT. His responsibilities include helping Bob manage his schedule and connect with clients while also being a direct liaison with the Christian community, establishing working relationships with pastors, churches and denominational organizations, and encouraging and advancing the funding of the Kingdom of God through legacy giving. For the past 5 years he has served on the Board of Directors for Debt Free Legacy. While with CIS, Pat co-authored 7 Pillars of Biblical Stewardship which is an 8 week inductive Bible study about managing God's resources personally. Pat is a sought after pulpit preacher/speaker/coach/mentor by local churches/Christian organizations on the topic of Biblical Stewardship and Church Fundraising. Pat and his wife Janet have been married since 1981. They have a daughter, son-in-law and grandson, and two sons and a daughter-in-law.