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Sabrina Black Clinical Director

Sabrina Black is the clinical director of Abundant Life Counseling Center and founder of Global Projects for Hope, Help, and Healing. She is a psychologist, counselor, and professor with expertise in stress, anxiety, burnout, anger management, addictions, and marital conflicts. Dr. Black is active in combating human trafficking and is active in DivorceCare and GriefShare. She also teaches on race and reconciliation, single parenting, and leadership. Dr. Black is the author of several books and appears in multiple training video series. She and her husband, Warren, have one son and four grandchildren.

Sabrina Black is the clinical director of Abundant Life Counseling Center and founder of Global Projects for Hope, Help, and Healing. She is a psychologist, counselor, and professor with expertise in stress, anxiety, burnout, anger management, addictions, and marital conflicts. Dr. Black is active in combating human trafficking and is active in DivorceCare and GriefShare. She also teaches on race and reconciliation, single parenting, and leadership. Dr. Black is the author of several books and appears in multiple training video series. She and her husband, Warren, have one son and four grandchildren.