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John Rinehart Founder, Speaker, Author

John Rinehart is an author, speaker, and the founder of Gospel Patrons. His first book, Gospel Patrons, tells three stories from history that illustrate the integral role business leaders have always played in God's Kingdom. His second book, Giving Together, is about how we become those kinds of people. John speaks widely at conferences and churches, primarily to business and ministry leaders. He and his wife have two children and they love traveling the world.

John Rinehart is an author, speaker, and the founder of Gospel Patrons. His first book, Gospel Patrons, tells three stories from history that illustrate the integral role business leaders have always played in God's Kingdom. His second book, Giving Together, is about how we become those kinds of people. John speaks widely at conferences and churches, primarily to business and ministry leaders. He and his wife have two children and they love traveling the world.