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Steve Scalici Vice President

Steve Scalici has over 20 years of experience as a financial advisor and is dedicated to providing clients with an individually-tailored approach to goals-based wealth management. He works with individuals, families, business owners, and charitable organizations. At the heart of his philosophy is a passion to build enduring client relationships through his commitment to providing outstanding guidance and service. He is the immediate past Chairman of the Board for Urban Youth Impact in West Palm Beach and the FCA Palm Beach County. He stepped down from those roles to become the pastor of Family Church Jupiter in Jupiter, FL. He is spearheading a movement he calls "2 in 2." The church has committed to reach a two mile radius around the church with the Gospel in a two year period. Steve was inspired by Acts 19:10, which states that all of Asia heard the Gospel in two years. Steve has been married to Apryl for 20 years and has three daughters (Hannah, Abby, and Emma).