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Jeff Spadafora Director of Global Coaching Services and Product Development

Jeff Spadafora is the Director of Global Coaching Services and Product Development for The Halftime Institute™. He spent 20 years as a leadership and executive development consultant for Fortune 1000 companies such as Ford Motor Company, Sears & Roebuck, Compuware, Domino's Pizza, Helene Curtis, and Sky Chefs. In 2005, Jeff was inspired by Bob Buford's book Halftime and began his journey of discovering God's true purpose for his second half. As he worked with his Halftime coach, it became clear that Jeff's calling is to help other people discover their calling. He has coached over 130 men and women through the Halftime journey and continues to make this a primary part of his ministry. As the leader of The Halftime Institute's global coaching staff, he is also responsible for recruiting, training, and managing Halftime Certified coaches throughout the world. Jeff lives in Evergreen, Colorado with his wife Michelle and 3 children.