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Brian Shepler President, Chief Operating Officer

Brian Shepler is the President and COO of Ronald Blue Trust. As president and COO, Brian oversees the day-to-day functions and strategic development of the company, facilitating the executive leadership team and serving on the board of directors. He supports the entire field organization and its divisions by reinforcing best practices leading to field office/division health, including culture, team member development, client service, and growth. Leveraging his background in the investment banking and private equity fields, Brian also serves Ronald Blue Trust clients who own family businesses, providing advice regarding business succession, strategic growth, and corporate capital planning.

Brian Shepler is the President and COO of Ronald Blue Trust. As president and COO, Brian oversees the day-to-day functions and strategic development of the company, facilitating the executive leadership team and serving on the board of directors. He supports the entire field organization and its divisions by reinforcing best practices leading to field office/division health, including culture, team member development, client service, and growth. Leveraging his background in the investment banking and private equity fields, Brian also serves Ronald Blue Trust clients who own family businesses, providing advice regarding business succession, strategic growth, and corporate capital planning.