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Vince Birley Chief Executive Officer

Vince Birley, CFP®, AIFA®, has over 35 years of experience in the personal and institutional financial services industry. Prior to co-founding Vident Financial, he was the Chief Strategy Officer and Chairman of the Investment Policy Committee for Ronald Blue Trust. Vince has appeared on Bloomberg TV and Yahoo Finance’s "After the Bell." He has rung the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange and speaks often on the topic of investing, at both Christian and secular conferences. Vince and his wife, Susan, have been married since 1992 and have three children.

Vince Birley, CFP®, AIFA®, has over 35 years of experience in the personal and institutional financial services industry. Prior to co-founding Vident Financial, he was the Chief Strategy Officer and Chairman of the Investment Policy Committee for Ronald Blue Trust. Vince has appeared on Bloomberg TV and Yahoo Finance’s "After the Bell." He has rung the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange and speaks often on the topic of investing, at both Christian and secular conferences. Vince and his wife, Susan, have been married since 1992 and have three children.