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Rev. Dr. David D. Swanson Senior Pastor

The Rev. Dr. David D. Swanson is the Senior Pastor and Head of Staff of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, Florida. Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Swanson received his Master of Divinity from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Prior to his arrival in Orlando, he served two pastorates: the first in Signal Mountain, TN as an Associate for both youth ministry and discipleship; the second in Ft. Myers, FL as Senior Pastor and Head of Staff. Dr. Swanson has been active in the PC(USA) through service to the Presbytery as well as through the ministries of Presbyterians For Renewal and the Presbyterian Coalition. His church is now a part of the EPC. He and his wife, Leigh, have three children.