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Bob Doll Chief Investment Officer

Bob Doll is Chief Investment Officer at Crossmark Global Investments and a member of the Kingdom Advisors Board of Directors. He is a highly respected authority on equities markets among investors, advisors, and the media. Through his widely followed weekly and quarterly investment commentaries, as well as annual market predictions, Bob provides ongoing, timely market perspectives. Prior to arriving at Crossmark, he held the roles of Senior Portfolio Manager and Chief Equity Strategist at Nuveen and Blackrock, President and Chief Investment Officer at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, and Chief Investment Officer at Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.

Bob Doll is Chief Investment Officer at Crossmark Global Investments and a member of the Kingdom Advisors Board of Directors. He is a highly respected authority on equities markets among investors, advisors, and the media. Through his widely followed weekly and quarterly investment commentaries, as well as annual market predictions, Bob provides ongoing, timely market perspectives Prior to arriving at Crossmark, he held the roles of Senior Portfolio Manager and Chief Equity Strategist at Nuveen and Blackrock, President and Chief Investment Officer at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, and Chief Investment Officer at Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.