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Russ Crosson Executive Vice President, Chief Mission Officer

Russ Crosson is executive vice president and chief mission officer of Ronald Blue Trust and executive vice chairman of the board of directors for Thrivent Trust Company, the parent company of Ronald Blue Trust. He has more than forty years’ experience in financial planning and advising, and now leads the implementation of the company’s mission, passing it down to future generations. He is a conference speaker and author of several books. Russ and his wife, Julie, live in Roswell, Georgia, and are the parents of three adult sons.

Russ Crosson is executive vice president and chief mission officer of Ronald Blue Trust and executive vice chairman of the board of directors for Thrivent Trust Company, the parent company of Ronald Blue Trust. He has more than thirty years’ experience in financial planning and advising, and now leads the implementation of the company’s mission, passing it down to future generations.

From 1999 – 2002, Russ served as Executive Director of the National Christian Foundation (NCF), before rejoining Ronald Blue Trust as President and CEO in November of 2002. He is the author of five books, Your Money Made Simple: Explaining Uses of Money for the Next Generation;Your Life...Well Spent; The Truth About Money Lies; 8 Important Money Decisions for Every Couple; and What Makes a Leader Great. Russ graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in education.He is a conference speaker and author of several books. Russ and his wife, Julie, live in Roswell, Georgia, and are the parents of three adult sons.