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Proverbs 20:5 tells us the thoughts of a man are like deep water but a man of understanding draws them out. Do you know how to draw out your clients and prospects? Your spouse? Your children? Can you uncover their feelings and thoughts, opinions, and attitudes? How do you know if your clients feel heard by you and feel that you take them seriously? You may know all the details of your clients’ finances but, if you cannot clearly answer these questions, the relationship is not as strong as it could be. In this session, John Dodd shares discoveries in the science of “EQ” (Emotional Intelligence) and tailors those findings and principles to the unique demands of a financial advisor.
John Dodd is a senior private wealth advisor with Ronald Blue Trust in Nashville, TN. He graduated from the University of Mississippi and received his Master of Taxation from Georgia State University. John has been a featured speaker in secular and Christian venues including the American Institute of Banking, Federal Reserve, Tennessee Bar Association, Kingdom Advisors and Focus on the Family. John is the author of a book entitled Rx for a Medical Marriage: A Guide to Harmony based, in part, on his own marriage to a doctor and having been reared in a medical family. John and his wife, Kathleen, have been married twenty-nine years and have two daughters.