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As an advisor who desires Kingdom-focused life change with your clients, you seek to make every interaction count. Facilitating life change is a step-by-step process that can be enhanced by having a plan in place. Tom Conway shares his practical process to intentionally move toward eternal impact in clients’ lives, whether they are non-believers, cultural Christians, or committed followers of Christ.
Tom Conway is president of Conway & Associates, a philanthropic advisory firm that works with ministries, churches, and givers to advance the grace of giving. Tom is a CPA with a tax planning background who has served Ernst & Young, Cru, Ronald Blue Trust, Perimeter Church, Generous Giving, Inc., National Christian Foundation, Kingdom Advisors, and Haggai International. Tom is also a Certified Kingdom Advisor®. He has lived and served in Africa and worked in Central Europe, Russia, and Asia. Tom and his wife, Susan, have four children and ten grandchildren and live in Atlanta.