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Ron Blue interviews Tom Conway on the topic of “Boundaries in Client Conversations.” Tom Conway leads Conway and Associates by assisting families with clarifying what they believe God wants them to do with their resources. Tom has a passion for legacy planning. As he helps people quantify their needs for the future, what they wish to leave for their family, and how the remainder of their resources can be released to organizations that reflect their values, discussion often leads to key conversations about boundary setting within families. During this call, Tom will unpack the idea of boundaries in families and share why they are necessary and how they can be best implemented within client families as key wealth transfer decisions are being communicated to the next generation.
Tom Conway is president of Conway & Associates, a philanthropic advisory firm that works with ministries, churches, and givers to advance the grace of giving. Tom is a CPA with a tax planning background who has served Ernst & Young, Cru, Ronald Blue Trust, Perimeter Church, Generous Giving, Inc., National Christian Foundation, Kingdom Advisors, and Haggai International. Tom is also a Certified Kingdom Advisor®. He has lived and served in Africa and worked in Central Europe, Russia, and Asia. Tom and his wife, Susan, have four children and ten grandchildren and live in Atlanta.