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Jerry Bowyer

The Economic Philosophy of Jesus

About the Course

Jesus’ teachings on money are simple enough for anyone to understand, and yet -- if we dig deeper -- there is so much more than is readily apparent. Before we apply his instructions to our own (and our clients’) lives, let’s take a penetrating look at how Jesus adapted his money message to the lives of his listeners. The local economy, the occupations of the people, and the political situation – they all mattered. Jesus contextualized his messages to speak to hearts, not just intellects. What does this say to those of us who advise clients about the biblical way to handle resources? Jerry Bowyer shares his in-depth research into the cultural and historical setting of Jesus’ earthly ministry in a way that will have you thinking – and rethinking – your approach to wealth in the context of your client conversations.

The Economic Philosophy of Jesus, Part 1

In this course, economist Jerry Bowyer examines the cultural and historical backdrop of Jesus’ earthly ministry, considering its effect on the delivery of his message. In Part 1, Bowyer focuses on the location-based economy, the predominant occupations, and the historical context of Galilee. Through this, he explains how Jesus adapted (but didn’t change) his message to the hearers in each place, giving an example for advisors to emulate in working with clients of different backgrounds.

The Economic Philosophy of Jesus, Part 2

In Part 2 of this two-part course, economist Jerry Bowyer studies the interactions between Jesus and those merchants and officials who took advantage of the poor during his ministry. After examining several key passages, Bowyer shows that Jesus’ confrontations were not with business owners as a group, but with those officials whose actions hurt the poor.

About the Speaker

Jerry  Bowyer

Jerry Bowyer

Bowyer Research

Jerry Bowyer is President of Bowyer Research consulting firm, editor of the business channel of The Christian Post, opinion columnist for WORLD Opinions, host of Meeting of Minds with Jerry Bowyer podcast, host of Business in the Kingdom podcast on the Edifi podcast network, and author of The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics. He is also Resident Economist with Kingdom Advisors, serves on the Editorial Board of Salem Communications, and is Senior Fellow in Financial Economics at the Center for Cultural Leadership. He has been a columnist and a frequent commentator on Fox Business News, Fox News, and CNBC. Jerry lives in Pennsylvania with his wife, Susan.

Continuing Education

Accepted for CE Credit

Hours: 1
Designations: CKA®
Minimum  Passing Grade: 80%

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