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Jim Wise

Incorporating Philanthropic Counsel into Your Advisory Practice

About the Course

This three hour, web-based training course will guide you through the foundational understanding and tactical skill set required for you to effectively incorpoate philanthropic counsel into your client conversations. In Session One, learn what attracts your clients to philanthropy as you discover how to effectively engage them in philanthropic discussions. In Session Two, discover the three types of capital clients will pass to heirs, learn the triggers for philanthropic discussions, and learn how to identify clients who are interested in legacy planning. Finally, in Session Three, learn about the history, structure, benefits, and creative uses of Donor Advised Funds that will allow you to utilize them effectively with philanthropic clients by utilizing a case study about Donor Advised Funds.

About the Speaker

Jim  Wise

Jim Wise

Ronald Blue Trust

Jim Wise is a Senior Partner and Senior Financial Advisor for the Private Wealth Division of Ronald Blue Trust. A frequent conference speaker for churches and faith-based organizations, Jim also teaches a weekly Bible study in the Lake County Jail. Jim has written three books: a Bible study workbook, Five Steps to Financial Freedom; Spiritual Gifts, Plain and Simple; and Inheritolatry: The Final Obstacle to Completing the Great Commission. He has earned many professional designations including the Certified Kingdom Advisor® designation. Jim and his wife, Lori, live in Orlando, Florida, and have six adult children and six grandchildren.

Continuing Education

Accepted for CE Credit

Hours: 3
Designations: CKA®, CFP®, PACE
Minimum  Passing Grade: 80%