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Jeanne McMains

Charitable Overlays for Advanced Estate Planning Strategies

About the Course

Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs), Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs), Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATS), Installment Sales to Intentionally Defective Trusts (IDITs) . . . Our clients have a variety of sophisticated strategies aimed at transferring their wealth to future generations in the most tax efficient manner possible. This session explains how these advanced wealth transfer strategies work conceptually, and examines how our clients can leverage charitable overlays to help them bless loved ones and convert tax dollars into charitable dollars for greater Kingdom impact.

About the Speaker

Jeanne  McMains

Jeanne McMains

National Christian Foundation

Jeanne McMains has been an attorney serving in the areas of estate planning, business succession and charitable giving since 1995. After owning her own law firm and practicing with a large Midwest law firm, Jeanne joined the National Christian Foundation in 2004 serving as a gift planning attorney where she has assisted families nationwide with achieving their charitable gift planning goals. Jeanne obtained her law degree from Indiana University on academic scholarship and her undergraduate degree from Purdue University with highest distinction (summa cum laude equivalent) honors.

Continuing Education

Accepted for CE Credit

Hours: 1
Designations: CKA®, CFP®, IMCA, PACE
Minimum  Passing Grade: 80%